Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another wonderful review on Clippings

Clippings has received another wonderful review on Amazon, by FineFeatheredFiend!

When I first heard about Clippings, I was instantly intrigued. Aside from some short stories here and there on the internet, I had never read a gay romance before. The fact that Clippings is set within a Brazilian prison made it that much more interesting to me. One might see the subject matter and think it will be a "typical" story about homosexuality among inmates, but I did not find that to be the case with Clippings. While there are some gritty elements, there are also much deeper levels of emotion and suspense which drive the story along, and the romance itself is utterly believable and beautiful.

Aside from the story being captivating, I found the characters to be genuine and engaging. Even the ones with the smallest roles have interesting tales to tell. I was immediately drawn to Daniel and his plight, and was kept in wonder of the mysterious Mephisto's motives. As for the Professor... well, he is probably best kept in shadow and I won't give anything away about him, other than to say he was a delight!

It is obvious the author has done a lot of research, too, and I found the way of life and inner workings of the Brazilian prison system fascinating. It is a thought-provoking subject matter that adds to the already rich and complicated relationships among the characters. And as well as being thorough, the author has a lovely writing style that flows easily and draws the reader in.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed Clippings, and I highly recommend it! If you even think you might be interested in reading such a story, don't hesitate to get yourself a copy. You won't be disappointed.

Thank you, FineFeatheredFine!

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